
Le "très looooong" weekend du Rosey

14.02.2024 - 17.02.2024

Le “très looooong” weekend du Rosey

Wednesday, 14 February to Saturday, 17 February 2024
From 11.30 pm, every night

Entry fees: Wednesday CHF 50 per person | Thursday CHF 60 per person | Friday CHF 80 per person | Saturday CHF 80 per person | Thursday, Friday, Saturday CHF 200 per person including a GreenGo Basketball Cap

Lost Bracelet = no replacement free of charge

Pre-sale for the three nights ticket at the Reception from 29 January daily from 7.00 am to 11.00 pm, for other tickets and further information, kindly get in touch with reception@palace.ch

Table bookings: havefun@palace.ch or +41 33 748 58 99
Wednesday, 14 February to Saturday, 17 February 2024
From 11.30 pm, every night