Cattle drive down from mountain pastures
The ‘Züglete’ – when cows conquer Gstaad’s promenade!
The ‘Gstaad Züglete’ is one of the most delightful traditions in the Bernese Oberland and an occasion close to the heart of Johann von Grünigen. At four in the morning, he and his family, in the company of their 37 Simmental cows and their breeding bull Othmar – start the 25-kilometre trek from Alp Mettlen to Saanen, passing through Turbach and Gstaad. Before they set off, the cows are awakened, milked, cleaned and groomed. At this point the pace slows, and there is time to enjoy the peaceful energy of the early hours.
The ’Züglete’
The ’Züglete’
The sun’s rays are gradually starting to peek out from behind the mountains and there are still drops of dew on the grass around the barn. Then, with a loud cry, Johann tells his cows to leave the barn and start making their way into the valley. Most of them know the route by heart, falling into step with Johann and the lead cow. They take a break halfway to have a bite to eat and a sip to drink in celebration of the successful summer on the alpine pastures.
The preparations had already started the day before, when Johann and his family put together the beautiful floral headdresses for their cows. Using Johann’s own design, the elegant decorations are attached to an upturned miking stool, before each cow in turn is festooned with their own cowbell and brightly coloured crown of flowers. The cows are clearly feeling content, showing off their adornment with heads held high: they know they’re about to parade past the tourists lining Gstaad’s promenade, dressed in their finest attire.
Flower decorations for cows
Flower decorations for the cattle drive parade
Cow with flower headdress
The ’Züglete’ Gstaad
The ‘Züglete’ is an occasion close to Johann’s heart. It was Johann who brought this wonderful tradition to life in Gstaad, and since 2015 he has organised a village festival to mark the event, complete with market stalls, yodelling clubs and cowbell associations. His aim is to fuse tradition with modern society and to ensure people don’t forget that the erstwhile farming village of Gstaad used to be the preserve of those who lived from the land. ‘We need to maintain these kinds of traditions,’ he says.
It’s not just the cows who are looking their best: Johann and his family also dress up for the rest of the walk. In traditional costume, goad stick in hand, they forge ahead towards Gstaad’s promenade. ‘Walking through Gstaad with my cows is really fulfilling,’ says Johann with pride. Finally, they reach Vorschess ‘Pertoli’ in Saanen and raise a glass to toast the successful Züglete. Gstaad Züglete is the biggest event on Johann’s calendar – and it will always hold a special place in his heart.
The ’Züglete’